Year: 2014
Project: Master Project
Urbanism/ Democracy/ Malieveld
Partners: Hybrid buildings, TU Delft
The Malieveld is recognized by its huge range of public events, varying from mass demonstrations to trendy fairs. It mirrors the current conditions of the Dutch society, both cultural as political. The voice of the people, demonstrated by this temporary events, is doomed to degenerate in volatile subjective memories. This is due to the fact that the Malieveld and its surroundings leave little space for Interpretation and fascination. The Malieveld is now not more than an empty grass court which is connected to the Central station by a promenade, a bare corridor.
A meandering wall, designed as a frequency, which symbolizes the public voice as an echo from the Maliefield, gives the promenade a monumental identity. This compositional strategy devides the urban space in specific ‘rooms’. The Malie-wall becomes a medium for self-expression. There is an outdoor stage, a graffitiwall, a chalk gallery, an outdoor bookcase and a banner tunnel located. The wall is modest, abstract and yet monumental designed to serve the greater purpose of communication. However, this urban space is not only there for memorial and communicative purposes. It also functions as an urban park, where the wall, by its wide variety of shapes, becomes an urban playground, accessible for everyone, varying from young people, skaters, BMX riders and free runners as for the elderly with their grandchildren.