Year: 2012
Project: Bachelor project
Labels: Architecture / Contextual
Partners: TU Delft
The design symbolizes the current look and feel of the Westland. The environment is characterized by greenhouses, farms and small towns. The town hall Westland will become the central point in the area. The design consists of two elements: a central ‘Greenhouse’ and a ‘Wall’ folded around it. The form of the building is shaped through sight/walking lines and with a tuned scale to its surrounding. The building is positioned in between the old city center and the ‘modern’ residential areas. The building is traversed by a walking route and pond so that it’s integrated in the environment. The greenhouse is the public corridor of the town, where the wall consists out of a more private (back) office. The greenhouse interior is materialized by natural fabrics such as wood, concrete and glass. An enormous natural wall completes the public space. The town hall represents growth by a play of the elements light, air, water and green. This all was required for both the economic and cultural progress of the Westland.